Very recently two new 56mm autofocus lenses joined the X mount system, the TTArtisan AF 56mm f/1.8 and the Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7.
FujiFanBoys made a comparison between the two lenses which you can see below to help you figure out which budget friendly 56mm option is the best for you.
Based on their comparison, I personally would go for this one. But as always in these cases, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer. It’s just a matter of personal preferences and needs.
TTArtisan AF 56mm f/1.8
Amazon US – save 10% with code 10POB9YC
Amazon CA– save 10% with code 2LMO4R6W
Amazon DE – save 10% with code IYGBE5QO
* to get the 10% discount, you have to purchase at third party reseller JYphoto
Amazon US / Amazon CA / Amazon DE /Amazon UK / Amazon FR / Amazon IT / Amazon ES / Pergear -
Viltrox AF 56mm f/1.7
AmazonUS / BHphoto / Adorama / Nuzira / AmazonCA / AmazonDE / AmazonUK / AmazonIT / AmazonFR / AmazonES / AmazonNL
Source: Fujirumors